“A Uniquely Holistic Approach, helping Leaders & Influencers Enjoy Success in Life”

World Class Mentoring - Training in Emotional/Mental Health & Sustainability - Empowerment in Transferrable Vocational Skills - Trustworthy Financial Guidance - Reliable Family Wisdom - Consistent Personal Support + so much more.

At APG Elite, these provisions are our specialty, AND our passion!

Empowering Leaders - Shaping Culture

In Multiple Industries:

You Need a Mentor!

We wholeheartedly believe all people are gifted, and that when gifts are cultivated, people will rise higher in their field of endeavour. However, far too often, we see people unable to sustain purposeful effectiveness, when exposed to the pressures that come with their success. Their subsequent struggles are nearly always the result of a failing 'Inner Life' (Relationally, Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually & Financially).

Unless a robust internal framework is built, then longevity, simplicity & sustainability will forever be out of reach. All Leaders & Influencers need a capable and experienced Mentor to help ensure they remain healthy and effective!

A Mentor is distinct from a Coach or Role Model. A Coach is someone who teaches improvement of functional skills. A Role Model is someone to be inspired by.

A Mentor may also be capable of Coaching & Role-Modelling, but their primary purpose is ensuring a healthy, prosperous and sustainable Inner Life. This is what allows the gifts and talents of an individual to continue producing fruit.